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Version History

1.0.3 --- Added Post Operation -- Satheesh Jamma

1.0.4 --- corrected basepath as per TMF -- Satheesh Jamma

1.0.22 |09-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Added POST /reserveProductStock resource with sample examples.

1.0.23 |10-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updtaed GET /productStock resource with proper queryParams, data model and sample examples.

1.0.24 |14-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Added PATCH /productStock/{id} resource with sample examples.

1.0.25 - 1.0.26 |16-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated POST /reserveProductStock resource with sample examples.

1.0.27 - 1.0.29 |17-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource new queryParam with minLength as 1.

1.0.30 |28-05-2024| Gopal Katakam | Added queryParams (, and sample response payload under GET /productStock as part of ESB-50889

1.0.31 |12-06-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource with sample response

1.0.32 |19-06-2024| Raja Sekhar Gowravarapu | Updated GET /productStock resource by adding limit and offset optional query params

1.0.33 |20-06-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource by deleting common.pageable from headers
