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Version History

1.0.3 --- Added Post Operation -- Satheesh Jamma

1.0.4 --- corrected basepath as per TMF -- Satheesh Jamma

1.0.22 |09-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Added POST /reserveProductStock resource with sample examples.

1.0.23 |10-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updtaed GET /productStock resource with proper queryParams, data model and sample examples.

1.0.24 |14-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Added PATCH /productStock/{id} resource with sample examples.

1.0.25 - 1.0.26 |16-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated POST /reserveProductStock resource with sample examples.

1.0.27 - 1.0.29 |17-05-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource new queryParam with minLength as 1.

1.0.30 |28-05-2024| Gopal Katakam | Added queryParams (, and sample response payload under GET /productStock as part of ESB-50889

1.0.31 |12-06-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource with sample response

1.0.32 |19-06-2024| Raja Sekhar Gowravarapu | Updated GET /productStock resource by adding limit and offset optional query params

1.0.33 |20-06-2024| Sandhya Bitla | Updated GET /productStock resource by deleting common.pageable from headers

1.0.34 - 1.0.35 |16-10-2024| Jyotsna Kandala | Updated GET /productStock resource by adding examples related to PR market, updated the dataModel for reserveProductStock by adding few new fields and updated the dataType for "reserveProductStockState" from string to enum with acceptable values as per TMF. Updated the example for CR upon confirmation from eSIM project Raja Sekhar.
